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Seasons is a public programme the purpose of which is to give us space to think about life strategies in the time of a climate crisis. What can we do with the phenomenon of vanishing seasons of the year that takes place right before our eyes? Is it appropriate to mourn? Rambling and watching the nature in different seasons, exercising and learning about the permaculture, walking, creating, talking, getting inspiration from the practices of various artists, we shall ask questions together. Maybe sometimes we shall be able to find responses to some of them. Our clock measuring the flow of time will be the Wrocław Sewage Farms – formerly a sewage plant and today an area of nature-culture.

Meeting schedule: 20-21.04.2024, 19.05.2024, 6-7.07.2024, 24.08.2024, 31.08.2024, 7.09.2024, 21.09.2024, 3.10.2024, 24.10.2024

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  • Seasons is a public programme during which together with the public and invited guests we shall think about various life strategies in the time of a climate crisis. The seasons in…

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