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  • 2 months ago

    Progress. A public programme

    Progress is a public programme during which together with our public and invited guests we shall reflect on innovation and change dynamics. We shall talk about what is global but…


    Vintage vehicles parked in front of a round building with a domed roof. .
  • 2 months ago


    Seasons is a public programme during which together with the public and invited guests we shall think about various life strategies in the time of a climate crisis. The seasons in…


    Man with backpack getting splashed with water near a blossoming tree.
  • 6 months ago

    RAR: Diana Tamane x PARADISE AIR (JP)

    The first route within the Retreat Art Routes residency program reached as far as Matsudo, Japan, where Diana Tamane (EST) flew earlier this year. In doing so, she closed the…


    A woman sitting on the floor in a japanese room.
  • 10 months ago

    Retreat Art Routes

    Retreat Art Routes is a process-based residency programme for creatives representing the fields of culture, art and science, which aims to give rise to a platform connecting institutions, organisations and…


    path through fields
  • 10 months ago

    Dizajn gallery closed and renovated

    Galeria Dizajn BWA Wrocław będzie zamknięta do końca przyszłego roku.  Nasza przestrzeń na ulicy Świdnickiej potrzebuje metamorfozy. Ze względu na zły stan techniczny lokalu, planowaliśmy zamknięcie pod koniec roku 2023,…

    A woman is putting sand into a bowl.
  • 11 months ago

    Marta Szymanowska in Tartu

    The first route within the Retreat Art Routes connects Poland, Estonia and Japan. In July and August, Polish artist Marta Szymanowska is taking part in a residency in Estonia. After…


    Twarz kobiety otoczona bujnymi krzewami kwitnącego na różowo rododendronu
  • 11 months ago

    RAR: Hana Yamamoto in Wrocław

    As part of the Retreat Art Routes residency programme, Japanese photographer Hana Yamamoto will be staying in Poland in August and September to regenerate and work – to develop her…


    Hana Yamamoto w sportowej koszulce na te ściany.
  • From 2021, with the support of the EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee, we are organising residencies for Japanese and Polish female photographers. These are to allow them to get to know…

    portret artystki na białym tle
  • We provide a part of the BWA Wrocław Główny gallery as a resting space for migrants, people on the road and volunteers helping at the building of the Main Railway…

    blue and yelow graphic with black letters – in solidarity with ukraine