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  • Kasia Fudakowski. Gallery Power LTD

    29.11.2024 16.02.2025

    Past event

    The art of Kasia Fudakowski explores the relationship between power, energy, and culture. In her first solo exhibition in Poland, visitors will have the opportunity to interact with kinetic glass…

    Abstract sculpture featuring a large, elongated, translucent form suspended within a wireframe structure, adorned with flowing, blue-tinted elements.
  • The Temple of Tales

    11.10.2024 26.01.2025

    Past event

    BWA Wrocław Główny gallery’s latest exhibition, The Temple of Tales, draws reference to Sagenhalle, built in 1903 in Szklarska Poręba and no longer extant. The exhibition invokes the Mountain Spirit,…

    A dark, surreal painting of a humanoid creature with bat-like features, large wings, and elongated limbs, crouching in a mysterious, shadowy environment.
  • Ala Savashevich. Bus Stop Gallery

    06.12.2024 26.01.2025

    Past event

    Bus Stop Gallery is Ali Savashevich’s latest research project. The artist visited villages near Wroclaw, including Czernica, Łany, Kamieniec Wrocławski, Ratowice and Krzyków, in order to look at communication and cultural…

    Czerwony przystanek autobusowy ze zdjęciem
  • In Slavic mythology, the weather demons (płanetnicy) are creatures responsible for the atmospheric conditions, particularly precipitation and storms. Today, with the climate crisis making itself felt in floods and droughts and weather…

    Stosy przedmiotów przykrytych białymi plandekami pod czystym, błękitnym niebem.

    19.07.2024 13.10.2024

    Past event

    KROKI / STEPS is an artistic project about walking. About the practice, philosophy, culture, politics and art of walking. Three galleries – Studio BWA Wrocław, Entropia Gallery and Krupa Gallery –…


    Poster for the "Kroki/Steps" art exhibition from July 19 to October 13, 2024, at Studio BWA Wrocław, Galeria Entropia, and Krupa Gallery. The design features abstract figures and a background of blue and green tones.
  • Giantesses

    10.05.2024 08.09.2024

    Past event

    Giantesses is an exhibition featuring five artists connected in various ways to Lower Silesia: Bożenna Biskupska, Urszula Broll, Ewa Ciepielewska, Katarzyna Rotkiewicz-Szumska, and Ewa Zarzycka. Although they use different media –…

    Plakat do wystawy Olbrzymki, zielona mapa z nazwiskami artystek w żółtej ramie z logo BWA Wrocław
  • Riverbeds: Forces of Flow

    28.06.2024 25.08.2024

    Past event

    Anna Kędziora’s exhibition Forces of Flow delves deep into riverbeds. It reveals the unseen worlds and imageries of rivers while inviting the viewer to actively participate: building, observing, touching, and…

    A yellow art exhibition poster for "Riverbeds" by Anna Kędziora at BWA Wrocław, from June 28 to August 25, 2024. The subtitle is "Forces of Flow" and includes the Polish translation.
  • EUROPA II. Yuriy Biley

    22.03.2024 23.06.2024

    Past event

    This exhibition of artwork by Yuriy Biley presents a narrative about visual culture of specific moments in the history of three European countries to which the artist is personally connected:…

    Europea croatia ii - yurry billy.
  • Heartworm 

    05.04.2024 09.06.2024

    Past event

    Heartworm is an exhibition by Aleksandra Liput that inaugurates the new program year at SIC! Gallery. This is also the title of a work consisting of approximately 300 ceramic objects…

    The poster for robak sek's bwa exhibition.
  • We would like to invite you to one of the most important artistic events of our city and region – the exhibition of the Best Diplomas of the Eugeniusz Geppert…

    An old black and white photo of a man standing in front of a large piece of paper.
  • Effortlessness of Movement 

    26.01.2024 03.03.2024

    Past event

    The title of Zofia Pałucha’s solo exhibition refers to the stream of consciousness – a tool used in the artist’s practice. The paintings exhibited at Studio BWA Wrocław are a…

    Obraz olejny przedstawiający kobiety w strojach kąpielowych podnoszące siedzącą kobietę na rękach.
  • A Path through Loss. Agnieszka Bar

    17.11.2023 25.02.2024

    Past event

    Hitherto best known as a utility glass designer, Agnieszka Bar is premiering her artistic works. The exhibition at SIC! BWA Wrocław will feature not only glass objects but also ceramics,…

    Duży, czerwony obiekt z materiału, przypominający waginę, zwisający nad podłogą w przestrzeni galerii. Na pierwszym planie, nieostry fragment starej wanny